I go a bit crazy every Christmas and put a tree (or two!) in every room. But my favorite is the one with all the homemade ornaments. I've kept every one the children made (you know! the ones made out of beads or a felt bell with their picture in the middle?), and then I've added a lot of my own.

One really easy thing to do (you listening, Queenie?) is to take the glittery pipe cleaners. Wrap them around and around something cylindrical, and then pull them off the end. Depending on the size of whatever you wrapped them around, you have either really tight spirals or bigger ones. When you put a bunch on the tree, they look very pretty. I used all gold one year. It only takes a few minutes, especially if you use something larger to wrap them like an empty paper towel tube, longer if you use something smaller like a pencil, but either way, not THAT long for the effect.

Hmm...I wonder what my husband would think if I made one of those felt bells and put Mel Gibson's pic in it? [Wink] Oh, I've got his response: [Mad]

Donna [Roll Eyes]

[ September 25, 2004, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: DonnaJ ]