Stamping is easy and can take as little time or as much as you want to put into it. You can make cards or find small paper mache boxes and stamp on those. We've also done small books out of old
adding machine tape. You fold the paper back and forth like an accordian. Cover cardboard squares to fit and stamp, draw or etc. on them for the covers.
If you like to bake there is always bread dough ornaments. I would have to find my recipe.
Were off to a church retreat this weekend and I am going to a hospice luncheon so will check back on Sunday. The women are all taking craft projects to work on. I am taking some stamps. I'll bet there is a stamp store near you. [Wink]
Do hope this helps and its never too early
to start on Christmas. When my extended family was making and exchanging names. We drew names Christmas day and worked on stuff all year. I cherish those fun times in my life. [Razz]