Can I add something? If people aren't sick of hearing me talk....

I have 13 or 15 people in the Newsroom that I work closely with... well I've got four kids too so I can't afford to buy gifts, not in that volume anyway.

So - what I did was similar to jawjaws but different. I took used file folders, cut them into semi-circles and made cones; then I spray adhesive on them and glittered them. THEN I filled them (and this may sound weird but it's not, REALLY) so I filled them with stuff I found on the street....I squirted hot-glue in them and then stuffed them full of bunches of those red berries, some sprigs of the bushes at my work that looked sort of ferny looking, and then I attached a little handle made of that thin wire with the little plastic stars wrapped around it... it's got tiny stars, comes in colors.. I don't know what it's called though. And then to finish them off I sprinkled that whitish-pinkish-bluish glitter (what do you call that stuff?) over the top. And then I made little cards and attached them to the wire at one corner.

There were little holiday thoughts, people hung them at their cubicles for close to the whole year...they dry well and looked beautiful.

Total cost? Under $10.. and they went over so well I made more for some of my girlfriends. It's the time and thought that counts. I still have one hanging in my living room. I love it.