Well said, Eagle. So much of the travel experience depends on the traveler herself and what she packs in her heart and head, not in her suitcase.

Visiting a new land and being welcomed by its people is one of life's richest gifts, yet many travelers spoil the gift. Rather than embracing differences as enriching opportunities, they look upon them as annoying inconveniences. When they share this annoyance, so often in rude, hurtful ways, they unwittingly make the job of "good travelers" harder, giving us more remedial, ambassadorial fence-mending to do. Travel with a curious mind, an open heart, and an ability to go with the flow, or consider staying home.

For those of us who know that if God had intended us to stay put He would have given us roots, there is no "they." We're all "us." Human beings who, with a little effort, humility, respect and humor, find a common bond that makes hate impossible. Travel is the best way I know to wipe out hate.