Not in a million years. For one thing, I lived in Little Rock, Arkansas during the governance of the Clintons, right after gov. Whit lost the election.
They (the Clintons) were in like flint with Reynolds Aluminum and Tyson chicken. They LET Tyson dump chicken poop into the Arkansas river and Reynolds aluminum dump waste into the Arkansas river, just because they were old dubs...
The White Water incident got swept under the rug much too quickly and with the deftness that Hollywood money can procure.
I don't believe for one minute that Hillary is the "goofey" geek that the news media tries to portray her as in her private life, using expletives such as "gosh" and "gee whiz". I think she is a coniving, devious snake who would lead this country down the final path to our destruction.
While I greatly admired Margaret Thatcher as a leader, Hillary seems to be a power hungry tigress who would rip a guy's balls off, just to get what she desires, which in my opinion is presidency. Achieving that would do several things for Ms. Clinton...she would get back at Bill, whose womanizing ways are widely known. She would at least gain his attention if not his grudging admiration. She would "show" all those bimbos who attended her husband. She would gain an adrenaline rush of power as first woman president and positioning with other gender world leaders.
I think she is VERY gender conscious which could compromise an already fragile equality between the sexes.
Last, I don't think she is qualified to run the most powerful country in the world.