You may post anything you like. That is what this board is about. Just like the other women may choose to do.

The fact that they decided to use humor to diffuse a potentially harmful discussion which was going bad, is a tribute to them, and this board. I hate that you felt what some intended, and that was for you to be livid.

Did you really think that everyone was going to agree on this subject? Of course they weren't. And, as has been in the past in here, and will be so again, anytime you discuss politics or religion, you are going to have disagreements. You have your beliefs, and others have theirs.

No one holds the monopology on feelings around here, or holds the monopology on what's right, wrong, or held sacred. Some of these women making light of the situation have lost love ones to war, but yet, they still find the courage to move on, and yes, post some light bantering.

Before anybody post, think about this... what is your motivation? Is it to stir things up? Is it to really have a good old fashion debate? Is it to hurt someone's feelings, or draw people out? Or is it to push your own beliefs down someone else's throat (not saying you did or have)? What exactly IS your motivation? Ask yourself that question.

And if it is anything but out of friendship, sharing or caring, or just to inform, then don't do it.

If this makes you livid, then so be it.