Condi is an intellegent woman, but she sold out. She may have thoughts of her own, but we don't see them. She's a yes person to a person without a brain. Hilary on the other hand is her own person, while I don't agree with her on everything, I do know that she is smart, she is skilled and she can get this country out the current mess.

To wish harm on anyone, hair on fire or otherwise is not the higher way. All the great masters throughout time were peaceful, loving. Loving your neighbor as yourself with everyone being considered your neighboris the only way humanity, all living things will survive.

"Fighting for Peace" is like "Screw*** for Virginity." ( I read this on a lighter once ) - Chickadee, this was a slogan during the Vietnam war. Only the word most people used began with an f. It was true then, it is true now. Hurting anyone for any reason, with thoughts, deeds and/or actions, retards the progress of humanity rather than aiding it.