That's true Dianne. Jackie had class but certainly not the level of intelligence Hillary Clinton has. No one looked down on her but then Kennedy's every transgression was never reported and brought out in public. Imagine the humiliation of having everyone know what your spouse did! I don't know Hillary personally so I am not in a position to berate her decision to stay with her husband. As someone wisely said before, she was the president's wife at the time, and she couldn't just leave.

Many strong women are called B-witches simply because they are strong.

May I again say that because I do not know Hillary personally I am in no position to assess her moral character.

Sandpiper, your views are similar to mine. We had peace and prosperity under Clinton. Both of my children thought his philandering was a disgrace and felt he should publicly apologize to Hillary in front of the American people. Morals are first taught in the home.

All of you have good points on this issue but as Sandpiper said, what Bill Clinton did does not determine whether or not Hillary would make a good president.