So, if the character of the kingdom eminates from the character of the king, then I understand just why America is thought so badly of around the world. Look at what Bush had brought to our doorstep.

But lets step back here, first of all we do not have a kingdom and most assuredly a king. Our presidents are simply jut men. With all their foibles and problems. I don't think the youth of America decided just because Clinton's moral character was bad that they too can put morals aside. Moral values should be taught at home. I wouldn't trust anyone except my hubby and myself to teach my children moral values.

I also do not think that other countries around the globe give a feather what Clinton did sexually. He ran our country very well and achieved the best economic climate ever and we hadd respect around the world.(Something we do not have now)

As for Hillary, who are we to judge what she does with her marriage. I thought God was the only judge for us. I am surprised at how many on this board are so violent against this woman. You know, you don't know what you would do till it hits your doorstep. So, who are we to judge her for how she handled her marriage, be it public or private.

Come on, ladies. We are women here and discussion is good, but tearing up a person for how she felt she needed to handle a couple situation is unbelievable that this is going on with this thread.

It really does not matter who we are talking about, I thought most women would feel empathy for this lady who was in the public eye for her husbands transgressions. Whether she would make a great president is not what is being discussed. You all are putting all the other stuff in that has no bearing on if she'd be a good president or not.

Have any of you studied her record since she became a Senator (whether or not you like her)? Does not sound like it. Try looking at her record without bringing her husband into it. You might be surprised and find a very capable woman.

Again, just my two cents worth.