I have been gone for a while recouperating from surgery. Am not sure I am ready to comment about all of this discussion.

I am surprised at the way we as women are tearing apart another woman, who stood by her man, and even though we might disagree with her politics, it is very unseemly to say things that have not been proven.

You all know I am a "liberal" and fully think the Clinton Administration was one of the highest caliber when dealing with America's problems. It was a time of unparalleled success for America. I can show you the facts.

Now, I was not happy either about Clinton's problems with ML, but again, what the man did in his personal life is of no concern of mine, just his and his wife's. He ran our country very well and made America a good place to live. Again, I can give you the facts.

As for Hilary for President. I am not sure if I'd want her, but am definitely sure I would not ever vote for Condi. She has sat up there with the rest of those in the administration telling the American people lies. So she is a definite no for me. I would love it for a woman to be president, but I don't think we have any ready yet. That pains me to say that because I truely believe that women can run things better than men. I think all of us would agree on that fact. Women are capable of feeling, caring, working on more than one thing at a time.

So, no matter what your politics are, I am surprised at the oneryness I saw in some posts. Discussion is one thing, calling others out about how they feel, whether they are citizens of the US or not is not very nice.

I value this board and thought the idea was for good, honest, open discussion with the idea that on many topics you must be able to agree to disagree on a topic.

Just my two cents worth for now.

Glad to be back,