Hi there everyone,

Wow I just know now why I get along with all of you so much. I feel the same as the majority, I feel sorry for New Yorkers for having Hitlery, Ooops I mean Hillary as thier senator.

I have lived in two socialist countries and I have to say, I am so glad to be here. Yes, while there is a false sense of security of "being taken care of", there is also less freedom. No way, I like it here better.

As for the medicine, well, let me tell you what I experienced 10 years ago. I went to Athens to take care of my Grandmother while she was undergoing radiation for her bladder cancer. I am so grateful that I was able to go there. I had to do pretty much all the work. I am surprised the nurse didn't give me the syringe in order to give my Grandmother her shots. I had to buy the toilet paper, buy some towels, etc... There was one nurse that was kind enough to fluff her pillows, and take her temperature. I found out why when my Grandmother slipped her a couple of thousand drachmas (about $5.00). Oh and did I mention that all the nurses left after 6PM and the only other options you have for the night is, either you stay or hire a private nurse. Yea, I am glad I am here.

BTW, my aunt was unemployed last year and she needed major surgery. We have a charity hospital near us and that is where she had this done. This was free and amazingly enough, during President Bush's term. But of course, you will never hear of this type of thing in our media. You know, the media that thought Dollar Bill Ooops, I mean Bill Clinton was a god (small g) himself. So yes, we take care of our people here too that need it.

Glad to see all of you, I've been out of the loop for awhile, long story!


[ November 20, 2005, 11:01 PM: Message edited by: Optimumsteps ]