Thank you Bluebird, Daisy, Unique for your replies ... it would be best to say no more on this subject, but we do have many common beliefs.

I know some people will exploit, abuse, take advantage of 'safety net' programs. But by the same token i realize not all decisions made by business owners, goverment officials, judicial officials and religious officials are honest, ethical and just. I think the potential for good and evil is within many of us, regardless of the circumstances.

Unique, you mentioned the UN .. in grade 12,
i had the privilege of going to the UN with a group of other students. The trip sparked an ongoing interest in what happens there.

It ticks me off that certain countries have the gall to send representatives to the UN and expect the right to voice their opinion, raise objections, sign resolutions etc etc and vote, while at the same time denying their own citizens at home these rights.

For example, why should Saudi Arabia have a voice or vote in the UN when they don't give half their population the right to vote? Much less drive a car. I think UN membership should be limited to those nations who practice what they preach.

You mention isolationist policies Unique, i dont know what that really entails.....
Does it mean not getting drawn into the wars
and internal matters of other nations only
or does it include no ownership of primary resources in the land of others?

maybe we should close this subject, i dont want to offend.