I think a society should care for the mentally ill, physically ill, orphans and the elderly. Our govt. does provide for these people, although certainly some may fall through the cracks. We also have unemployment for those who lose their jobs. But it is up to me to make sure I have money put away for emergencies such as a job loss or illness and if I don't, I have to pay the consequences. I am responsible for myself plus I and my countrymen/women are responsible for people for the reasons stated above. However, I am not responsible for people who do not want to work or choose addiction as a way of life. When a society provides for people who are capable of providing for themselves, they will never even try.

Some leaders want the people to be dependent on them because that gives them the power and the votes. That's why some polititians like programs that allow people to take it easy.


[ November 19, 2005, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: Daisygirl ]