Hilary Clinton is the devils hand maiden. She is as dishonest as they come. I doubt the ones that would vote for her remember the Vince Foster affair, or the land deal where she did worse than Martha Stewart but lied her way out ot it, cheating many regular people who lost a ton of money due to that shifty deal but not her she made hundreds of thousands of dollars. Bill Clinton was without a doubt the worst President we ever had but he inherited the run off from all the good Ronald Reagan left behind and he was happy to take all the credit for it. Those two were nothing more than the Ted & Peg Bundy of the White House and God help us all if this witch ever gains any more power than she already has....Too bad Laura Bush doesn't run, now theres a real intelligent LADY. Condi Rice is okay as well. Lets hope Hilary just goes away, far far away....

P.S. It is said in higher circles of the literarry world that Peg oops I mean Hilary never put pen to paper, she used a ghost writer and then wouldn't give her the credit...sounds possible knowing her lack of character. Oh and Bill and Hilary put themselves through that meat grinder behaving like poor white trash with money....they defiled our White house. [Eek!]

[ November 18, 2005, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]