I was a prety adventurous teenager but always seemed to know my limits. Truly monogamous from the start.

I agree girls and boys need to learn to be friends first. That is why they hang out together first before the single dating thing starts. My Mom insisted on this approach. I also grew up with lots of boys in the neighborhood and my Mom seemed to repeat the mantra of having boys as friends. It makes a huge difference. But so does the young girls expereiences outside the home and today's world is pretty scary - even for the adventurous type like me.

My stepdaughter is way past the teen years but has not been able to attach herself to any man for more than a year max. I wonder frequently why this is. Could we have gone too far in the direction of boys as friends? Her biological parents had a very amicable divorce and both sets of parents are quite friendly and admiring of the other. The worrying doesn't stop at the teen years. You still wonder what you could have done better.