As a teen, I was pretty cautious, my molding by Franciscan nuns still in full force. So I didn't do alot of the things some of my peers did. I eventually did a little partying, but refrained from much of the kind of thing girls seem to do pretty regularly now as young teens. I believed even then in the sanctity of a loving relationship and was wise enough to realize that the kinds of relationships we had as teens at the prom were not forever things. I went a tad hog wild in my very early twenties when I left home and lived in a resort. But pretty quickly realized I was a monagamous creature. I worry about the girls I see now, as young as middle school, dressing like a billboard for teen sex, being promiscuous at a very young age, drinking, smoking.....I know this sounds dowdy and like our parents sounded but I wonder what kinds of relationships these girls might eventually end up with.