My kids caught a little of everything for sex ed…

When the kids were young I bought a Christian based book about sex that I felt encompassed the facts and values that I agreed with. As each of them was old enough I gave them the book. My daughter and I read it together. The boys wanted nothing to do with sex and Mom in the same room so I let them read it on their own and made it clear they could ask Dad and me anything…they asked nothing.

My oldest went to a Catholic HS where sex ed. was taught in 9th grade. The school held a parents’ night to go over the curriculum before the course started. I objected to the fact that EVERYTHING was taught coed, that boys and girls should have some class time with only their own sex to discuss the more personal aspects of anatomy and sexual encounters. I am far from a prude, but was very uncomfortable watching the videos and other materials with men other than my husband. How can we convince our kids to be modest with the opposite sex while forcing them to sit together to look at sexually explicit videos? It seemed to me a very confusing message for teenagers. I was totally shot down by the teachers!

I regret that I gave in so easily and kept my son in the class. I wish I had pulled him. As it turns out, he was given the same curriculum during his catholic confirmation classes.