Recently just in our local schools we have had teachers convicted of molesting students, pedophilia, soliting sex from under age children of both the same and opposite sex, maintaining illegal images on their school computers, photographing students in bathrooms, having babies by students, and no end of other disgusting sexual practices.

My children first learned about sex at home from me because I figured if they got any hang ups, I wanted them to be mine. I tried to keep them out of sex ed in the schools, but the teachers made such a big deal of it, they were embarrassed and I gave in.

As I said, some of the teachers I trained with for teaching sex ed seemed to get gratification from graphic sexual discussions. The discussions in the training programs were downright lewd. It was an eye opener. Of course the internet is a very bad place to learn about sex, but maybe kids should learn from their parents and each other as they always have.

If I had it to do over, I would not succumb to peer pressure as I did and I would keep my kids out of sex ed. But that's just me.


[ January 26, 2006, 08:25 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]