There are always people who will take things too far. And lawyers who will encourage them to do so -- for a fee, of course. We've become a litigenous society in many ways.

The schools do try to teach the kids to be loving, compassionate human beings. But the teachers have a lot of limits set on them. There are the parents who scream that we are teaching their kids the wrong values; there are the ones who aren't teaching them any values at all. And the ones who will sue the school district at the drop of a hat for all sorts of reasons. As Daiygirl said, things can go much too far.

I agree that children should be taught about all sorts of religions. But I'm not sure the public schools are the place that should be done.

My dream is still that everyone will someday live in harmony --- all faiths, all creeds, all cultures. Despite everything, I remain an optimist.