I appreciate all of you and your many viewpoints. If everyone in the world agreed on everything, it would be a boring existance indeed.
I thank all of you for allowing me to voice my feelings, thoughts and beliefs without judgement.
I wouldn't hold it against anyone for being thrilled with their belief that kick boxing was the greatest sport and had done so much for them. Maybe so much so that they would want me and anyone else to try it for themselves.
I would know that they trully believe that kick boxing is wonderful and no other sport could rival it. They might even argue with me if I dared to pit it against football.
I would respect their right to speak freely of it and would acknowledge that it possibly could be the greatest sport and might even try it. I wouldn't think they were pushing it on me, but thinking enough of me to want me to try something that had been of great benefit to them.
What appears to be arrogance sometimes is strong belief in a remedy that has worked for someone who truly cares about others.
I once heard that we become angry with others because they don't do things the way we think they should. Isn't that so true?