I guess it'd be the "Bush, NSA and Civil Liberties" thread? To call it "going against all that BWS stands for" is a bit overstated. This thread was a political discussion in which posters didn't see eye to eye. It was locked (but not eliminated -- you can see for yourself) either because some participants perceived each other as not being civil, or because it supplied too many links outside of BWS, or both.

I think that Vi was well intentioned. She was obsviously passionate. She spent a great deal of time and effort on her discussion. It isn't fair to insinuate that she was on here to irritate, insult, slander, or agitate. What might be more accurate is that she didn't feel that she fit in with the culture of BWS -- I've spoken before of the culture here. To say that one does or does not fit into this culture is not a value statement.