Meredithbead, you are so right, I couldn't agree with you more. But just as Israel belongs to the Jews, no matter what happens wars, etc., Biblically, the country of Israel will always belong to the Jews and not the Palestinians because God gave it to them.
That is a fact. There are certain facts that can't be ignored or diluted. It is true that this continent was inhabited by Native Americans when we came here. One only has to read the Bible to understand though that it isn't just about warm fuzzies. Certain things were predestined. Those seeking religious freedom were allowed to come to these shores and claim this land as their own. The reason they were allowed to do that is because their religion didn't worship nature but was the husbandman of nature. The persons who came here worshipped God who created nature. They certainly weren't perfect beings but neither were the native inhabitants...
That's where things have gone wrong, people have begun to worship the creation rather than the creator.
That has always gotten us in trouble.
I'm not a religious person and I don't pretend to have all the answers, but there are a few very basic things that I am completely aware of and know without a doubt that have no leeway or wiggle room.
Situations or feelings don't even come into play when there are absolutes.
Ironically, my dad fought for the freedom of all persons to worship or not whomever they please. I would fight for that too. What I want for myself is the freedom to say, "I am a Christian and I celebrate Christmas and will have my nativity scene in my community and in my home."
Many things offend me but I'm willing to share space in this country with anyone whether or not they agree with me. It is when anything remotely looking or sounding Christian is stampeded and snuffed out when in a public arena whereas Kwans**or any other ritual is sweetly welcomed.
Religious freedom doesn't mean the absence of religion.
I think what offends others about Christianity is that those who are believers know who it is that they worship and that he is an absolute being who deals in absolutes. He is a Holy God and can't go back on his word or wink his eye. He is NOT an enabler in the least but enforces his laws in a loving way. The most loving way. Science gradually catches up to the truth's of God's Word, for those who need proof.
I'm sorry if my words offend you. You seem like a very nice lady. Christ, himself, said that the Cross would be a stumbling block for some and that his believers would be hated for their knowledge. Its not arrogance, it is certainty and peace that comes from knowing the eternal boundaries set by the creator of my own body and the world in which I live.
Its OK with me if you don't agree with me. That's your right and privilege.
I guess at the end of time, everyone will see who was right.