Casey, you have great points and very interesting facts.

Right now here in the Northeast Ohio sector of the globe this very topic is being discussed in our own newspapers. It seems that we are very tired of hearing our Christmas tree called a holiday tree and the greetings Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Many of us feel what's next?

While I'm not going to get very upset about this at all, Christians everywhere do have a valid complaint.

In my own daily living my form of Christianity comes in helping others. I believe actions speak louder than words. My promise to myself is that each day of my life I must do at least one good deed for another person. I've kept that promise.
Christianity should not only be in attending mass and praying it should be in good works. Maybe far too many people have forgotten that and this is how commercial enterprises let these terms be acceptable.

[ December 06, 2005, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: ladybug ]