Hey, we got our tree (a real one) at Home Depot yesterday. Those cheapskates had no workers there to place the netting around it and cut it. My son and husband had to do it there themselves!

My husband said he didn't notice if they called them Christmas trees or Holiday trees.

At one time nobody ever felt wrong or guilty saying Merry Christmas but I say it to most people then feel I did say something wrong.

It's like you said, you just want to be able to keep calling our Christmas things by the names we've always called them without feeling guilty about it. I don't want to take away from anybody else's holidays either.

Let's all be free to say what we want.

Shame on chidren who won't stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance. My father, brother and husband fought to give us our freedom just as many of you have loved ones who did and are doing the same.