
If you need to close the topic because some posters decide not to be civil to others, then that is certainly your right. I respect that. I respect you. I am always careful not to say anything that would in anyway demean or attack anyone on this site. If closing down dissenting opinions is what the attackers want, then they would get their way.

I remember when I first started posting on this web site about my sister dying. I remember how kind everyone was to me. While I envisioned there would be differing opinions I never envisioned personal attacks were taking place. Then as I healed I ventured into other areas and saw cat fights taking place under a variety of topics and headings, not just politics and religion. Bummer.

Since then, I've found other sites to post on, places where people treat each other with respect. One site about gratefulness specifically states very plainly in the sign up rules that if anyone demeans anyone in anyway on the site, that post will be eliminated. If it were my site, I would do the same thing.

May peace come to live in all our hearts as we move forward together in love - stronger because of our differences, not weaker.
