
You're welcome. This kind of examination is crucial to our survival as a democracy. I appreciate your acknowledgement and for continuing to follow the thread.


I thought the same thing when I heard Bush's comments on the progress in New Orleans. With all the money that has been given, it seems a lot more of those poor people should be a lot better off by now. What happened to that money and why aren't the ones who need it the most receiving it? Why is it taking so long? Is it in other peoples' pockets? Every time Bush flies into the area and takes a look, I wonder how much it costs us for his visit, and couldn't that money be put to better use by helping the folks who live there? Bad speech writer? What about his thought processes - Bushisms as you say? He really is an aging rich kid, who doesn't know what doing without is like.

>From MSNBC - a good article with a live voter's poll:

Poll: Iraq, politicians top Americans' concerns
Political scandal and war cited far ahead of economy

Below are the most frequent responses cited by Americans asked this open-ended question by the AP-Ipsos poll: "What is the most important problem facing the country today?" Based on the responses, which do you feel is the top problem? * 13396 responses

Political leaders - 45%
Energy crisis -3%
Crime/drugs -1%
Education -1%
Environment -2%
Iraq war -27%
Wars, worldwide unrest -5%
Terrorism - 6%
Economy - 4%
Unemployment -1%

The following is an article to consider. While it may not seem to be on the same topic, in a way I think it is, for the root of this question also seems to be the dividing line relative to where people stand on this issue. Read it for yourself and decide.

Let's accept the fault line between faith and science

Did any one hear the Al Gore speech today? Gore says Bush broke the law in using wire taps without warrants, repeatedly and consistently in a power grab. Gore calls for a special prosecutor to be appointed to investigate it. Gore says our constitution is at risk. Check it out, if you can find a way to check it out. Sometimes when Gore speaks on something really important, he gets passed over by the media.

[ January 16, 2006, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: Vi ]