Shudder...Yes, thanks for asking the question, Vi. I remember reading about PNAC before and shuddering then, too.

For balance, I think I should bring in the recent commentary by Joel Klein in Time Magazine:,9565,1147137,00.html

In it, Klein takes Nancy Pelosi to task for a "small, but cheesy, bit of deception." The saliant paragraph is: The release of Pelosi's letter last week and the subsequent Times story ("Agency First Acted on Its Own to Broaden Spying, Files Show") left the misleading impression that a) Hayden had launched the controversial data-mining operation on his own, and b) Pelosi had protested it. But clearly the program didn't exist when Pelosi wrote the letter. When I asked the Congresswoman about this, she said, "Some in the government have accused me of confusing apples and oranges. My response is, it's all fruit."

Sorry, it's not all fruit. It's by lumping things together that have subtle differences that bring us problems. In order to hold the high ground, you need to play fair.

Like it or not, we have a war going on -- one that was voted for by Congress. My objection to Mr. Bush's manipulation of the NSA rules is that he did it without consent of the Congress, the voices of the American people. Combined with the PNAC information, it's a trend that scares me almost as much as bird flu...
