To be specific, here are the posts in which Mr. Bush and other leaders are accused of lying. Many other insults and accusations are found throughout the posts and in the referenced material.

Vi Dec. 20
George is teaching our children that lying and cheating are okay, and that if you have enough power you can get away with anything.

Vi Dec. 23
lies perpetrated by our government and specifically at this time the executive branch of the government.

Vi Dec. 24
need to have answered truthfully, not by those dancing around their lies.

Vi Dec. 24
Bush’s explanation is riddled with lies.

Vi Dec. 25
If this information is true, here are two more lies and a bunch more deceit.

Vi Dec. 28
is relevant because it addresses Bush's, Cheney's and Condi's lies - how they swear to one thing while doing just the opposite

I can defend my statement. However, this is going nowhere. Believe what you like. No matter what Mr. Bush does, he will be attacked and insulted by those whose mind is already made up.
