It looks like I am in the minority around this site, but I will say that I believe our President deserves our support and that he is doing a pretty good job. The liberal press has been a much bigger problem to our country's security than anything Bush might do. I watch TV and see news stories about possible targets for Al Quaeda and I think...why not just send them a photocopy of the newscast. Don't reporters think they monitor our tv programs, especially the news? Why give them more ideas on how vulnerable we are?
Personally, I am not crazy about wire-tapping phones, but ours has already been tapped by the FBI before (long story) and nothing ever came of it. Most of our personal information can be found on the internet, if someone knows how to find it. I'd rather be wire-tapped than end up dead. What good are our civil liberties when we are room temperature on a cold slab? Our very lives are at stake. Anyone who believes Al Quaeda has no plans to attack us again is delusional.
I'm getting off my soapbox now. Slice me up and put me out to dry. I don't care. I stick with my opinion.