"To create an opportunity of employment for others, is the highest form of loving kindness, as it provides them the means to live with dignity and self respect" .......

That isn't the direct quote, but i believe it true. This town, where i grew up, exists because a couple of men, (americans by the way ) had knowledge, skill and wealth to invest. Along with the large mill, railroads and dams, they had strong, good homes built for their employees, carpenters and gardeners to keep the whole place beautiful, the best medical treatment available for employees and their families, even three churches for the religious denominations at the time, they had an excellent elementary and high school built .....

it was a win - win situation for all...

I may be a dreamer, but i think if more had the courage and idealism of Brooks and Scanlon throughout the ages, this world, in so many ways would be different.