The thing I've always wondered is this: If a president, prime minister or any other high ranking official comes from wealth and has led a fairly easy life how can they really be in touch with those they govern?

Can they really understand the needs of the poor if they've grown up with nannies, governesses and everything they want and need?

Can they understand the educational needs of others if they've always attended the very best, prestigious schools?

Can they understand the pressures of college and being accepted into a school of their choice if their parents are alumni with a huge check book and clout to get them into any school they want even if they don't have the acumen for it?

It's not an easy thing to answer and maybe it doesn't really make for a good president all the time. Consider that Abraham Lincoln was one of those great men who did come from humble beginnings. I think he was one of the few who could truly relate to the common man. Maybe we shall not see the likes of a great leader like this ever again.