Our mothers or we as mothers can not be with our child every minute of every day. My mother was a great mother who watched us like hawks but my Uncle Friendly, as we kids called him managed to get me alone on numerous occassions even with other relatives in the next room. He was gutsy and calculating and waited for every second he might fondle or sway one of us children. I learned real young to steer clear of this creep. Oh and not all pedifiles seduce, some just hold you down and do what they want to especially to the very young child who can't tell. On Diannes wonderful site Educating Against Domestic Abuse I made the comment all pedifiles should be given only ONE chance, you offend and you get a 'lobotomy' and 'castration', no questions asked, do not pass goal, do not collect $200... That way you take away the 'desire' and the 'equipment'.... It's a sad state of affairs when a cutiepie can't even call herself one on the net..As you may have guessed I have zero tolerance for these sick twisted scum bags...

[ April 09, 2006, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]