My sons are 20 and 21. There were some rough times. Middle school is the worst and maybe the first year of high school.

I either volunteered or worked in the schools from the time they were in preschool all the way through high school. I was the parent who was always at the school trying to stay on top of things.

Sometimes it's hard. My older son in particular. He loves music and radio and all ever wanted to do was do that. Everyone in power at the school discouraged him - seems I was the only one fighting for him. Now he is going to college and guess what - he works at a radio station. He started out as an intern and now he has his own music show on Saturdays. I'm am so glad that we don't have to put up with the negativity of school anymore.

My other son is going to college in Boston and doing very well. But there were still some issues. He did better in school but as a parent you have to constantly monitor what is going on.

My husband and I did a good job. They seem to been fine young men. Granted we all screwed up every now and than. But I didn't want my kids to be robots but I wanted them to stay out of trouble and safe.

I totally agree with the fact that you need to teach them wrong from right. Also, to respect other people's opinions.