Once again, someone expresses their beliefs and it is taken completely out of context and made into something quite different from its original intent.
First of all, I don't hate anyone, especially anyone on this forum. I am deeply sorry you have experienced such horrific treatment in your life as many of us have and lived through it.
Second I'm not prejudiced toward you or anyone involved in their religion of choice or their preferences.
Lets set the record straight. Its not anymore about love and finding your soulmate as it is for anyone else. I agree with you there.
Its my belief that if you truly love someone that love is so strong and so pure that you wouldn't want to hurt them for anything in the world. They are so dear to you and so precious. If that were the case one wouldn't want to cause that person to fall down or come to any harm at all especially they wouldn't want to interfere with that person's spiritual health or prospects for salvation.
Because we want what we want and we want it now...we invent our own belief systems and twist and design those systems to fit our own desires and wishes. "Little Johnny, don't go out and play in that busy intersection or you'll get run over and possibly killed!" "But, Mommy, I want to go play in the intersection." so little Johnny makes up his own rules and I'm sure you might guess the end result.
Personally, I have enough problems in my own life to spend even one more drop of ink or one more moments brain matter on this discussion as it won't make one whits difference anyway.
I'm not angry, just tired, very, very tired. Can we move on to something less controversial?
You are all wearing me out clapping yourselves on the back. Its OK for you to believe as you do,,,but I'm a bigot for believing in what I would give my life for as the truth? Oh, OK.....
Aarikja Ann