Society's a funnie thing and it's full of people with differring ideas and attitudes that in itself can make a rich and intresting life to walk throw....the title of this posting is society and it's reactions and as we can read their many diffrent reactions.

Meeting and living throw them daily can be tiring as it can be for any one who isen't white middle class educated, male and christion. We all have been subjected to prejudice weather we know it or not for the simple reason we are women...and their still gender diffrences in the realities of life, in this day and age.

The more you differ from the accepted norm the more the predijice surfaces and damages in terms of work, place to live childcare, treatment from bank managers etc. the key term is damage becouse thats whot predijices dose at it's slightest level.

In this country personal safty is threatend. Homosexuality is classed as antisocial behaviour....i have lesbian frends that have been gang raped in their own home by masked parimilitories who did so justified that she was wrong and he was right....sick justificasion, homosexual men are also raped and betten close to death, WHY!!! sections of society deems them to be wrong, perverted and something to be feared therfore attacked...Strang justificasion for rape and thats all it is justificasion.....besikly for one person saying I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG

I know not all christiens feel the same and certinly would't go to such extreem methods in proving their point or in trying to change behaviour or thought becouse what the examples that i have written about show's is extreems of behaviour and the "im right your wrong" attitude.

The less extreem prejudiced behaviours hurt hinder and harden harts and attitudes and damage lives. It's worth thinking about to those that haven't already thought about it..

in real terms what is the harm one is doing my brother/sistere in holding thse thougts unchallenged or questioned and as though drives behaviour very often action. In other words the consiquinces of belife to whomever dos not sit right in the middle of accepted society.

Just by patrinising someone your potencially hurting them....tell them their not worthy of gods love or a place in heven can potencilly be disastrise to their lives for the rest of their life.

How much harm could that do anyone? at anyage. Dose god/godess universall spirite really exclude some of us from their love? if so how then can that devine spark really be uncondiosonally loving? I am blessed to belive in a godess that loves uncondisionally who i am and what i do whenever i give of their light...Not becouse i am a lesbian that needs to view god this way in order to save my soul but becouse i am a humane being whose hart tells me this in relashion to all beings.

Now i love debatting godess, spirite and matters of the hart and morality. I learn from it my attitudes widen and I get to accept another persons reality that has been shared with me but please don't stand behind doctrinasion as if you have no other choice but to adhear to it regardless of what it means or what you belive, have the strenth to stand by your convictions as an individuel capible of thought rational and make your decisions don't be indoctrinated into them please. The beuty about us all is that we are indivduel and as indivduels we have a wealth of though and experiences regardless of what they may be....

Please never stop talking about the goddess/god but please don't exclude a section of us from her love and harbour

Over heer it's very very late and i have been on the go constantly for 17 hours so excouse the fuzzy thinking and rambling at bits. .... night

oh and ladies love you
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn