Newleaf...what profound words you speak. I was drawn in by what you said. Well put.
The only time I have problems with people doing what they like behind closed doors is when I hear of children being molested or wives being beaten and abused against their will. Then I want to shout in protest how wrong this all is. I believe that our society has given in too much to letting it all hang out (our generation started it) and the next generation has taken it even further. Gosh, I can feel myself getting up on that soap box so I'll stop. I just think the young people of today (for the most part) have no guidance...that's clear from how they dress, act, speak, dance, and behave and treat people our age. I know this hasn't anything to do with the original topic...sorry.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards