I have a friend who is a retired chemist. He believes that homosecuality is a '3rd' sex. Male, Female, Homosexual. Homosexuality has been around since people appeared on the planet and even in the animal/insect world there is homosexuality (I watched a show on Animal Planet the other night about it...fascinating).
My best friend in Germany was a gay man. He'd call me crying about some guy who had just dumped him and could he come over and cry on my shoulder. He'd bring a bottle of wine and it was like sitting with my girlfriend...that's how I learned about the world of homosexuality...after knowing Tony for a very long time I asked him if he chose to be homosexual. He looked at me with all honesty and said, "Why would anyone choose this for themselves? The starring, the reducule, the humiliation one goes through..." He went on to say he'd tried being straight and almost married but realized he had to be true to what God made him and that was homosexual.
Do I embrace that lifestyle? No. Would I want to? No. But, having known Tony has allowed me to see into his world and understand his side of his life. He was my best friend for many years and was one of the most gentle souls I've ever known.
My personal view is homosexuality is legitimate and eventually the world as a whole is going to have to come to terms with it because it is not going away. I don't believe that the gay parades where sex is lewdly displayed and crude is a decent way to behave anymore than I believe that some Mardi Grau parades where women display their breasts and private parts for beads is a decent way to behave. I've been to Burbon street in New Orleans (pre-Katrina) and it was pretty disgusting...I won't go back.
So, for me this is how I see it...be true to who you are, don't hurt others and try everyday to live in God's light. Just my view.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards