In 25 yrs of marriage I think the most important thing we did for our children -- and ourselves -- was to be honest about our feelings -- we talked and cried and laughed and agreed to disagree. And most important - we respected each other. My husband and children were never my possessions. We treated our boys for what they were -- people -- with opinions and thoughts that differed from our own -- and in return they learned that they could make good decisions and bad decisions and that it was all part of growing up -- we would praise their accomplishments -- and help them through their downs -- and told them that just TRYING kept it from being a failure -- as life's lessons are learned that way.

My husband and boys know all my warts -- they've seen me at my best -- and -- they've seen me the way no child should ever see their mother -- no husband should ever have to deal with -- but our respect for each other got us back to love and once again I think they consider me among their most trusted of friends -- what more could a mother/wife ask for ;-)