hi auntie

i dont know you yet so look forwared to it in the future.

Theirs nuthing wrong with a registry marrige or joinning cerimony. It's legal and fits with the system within the country at lest it dose heer. One thing any move towards equality needs is legislation for protection and to curb those that do discriminate.

I would and do also require a spiritule eliment to a marrige cerimony i do belive god is higher authority to "the laws of the land" some of the orginised religions don't agree with the homesexuality issue and as you pointed out the divorced remarrage issue, which effects a whole lot more people.

For me both are important the legality and the spiruality, but for my partners protection and our son then the lagality offers them most protection.

The only religion organisasion i know of that offers commitment cerimonies to same sex couple and divorcies and single parents etc is the Spirutalist churches.

This church is one of the few or only (that i know of) "legal" churches as due to descriminasion they had to get their church regonised and credited as a "proper" religion throw the eurpean union or parliment. So legaly it is classed as a religion.

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn