I've read all your posts and I know this is a heavy subject. A lot of you know I willing share as I feel led. You may or may not know that I my husband after 24 years came out of the closet and I lost my best friend, my mate for life and my marriage. I could be very 'anti-gay' if I allowed myself to be. But I do think I have gained some knowledge and insight we can all draw learn from. So...if you will all allow me the floor...

I agree that many Christians approach homosexuality (and other issues)all wrong. In their attempt to inform others what the bible says they get 'crazy' and protest etc. The bible says to hate the sin but LOVE the sinner. The bible also says that homosexuality is a sin--just as being a child molester, an abuser, marrying for anything other than a true marriage union, to gain access to money, etc--all have a root in some sin. The bible also says that we ALL have sinned and fallen short. We aren't supposed to judge, because we ourselves will in turn be judged.

All that said...God established the union of a man and a woman at the creation of the man. The bible refers to God as the bridegroom and that He will return for His bride (those that love Him) Marriage, at its truest form, is to be a mirror of the relationship that God wants to have with each of us. Satan attacks marriage to distort that image--through every means he can drum up, and with each passing generation that image becomes more and more distorted. All part of his plan to pull us away from a relationship with God.

Coming from a world angle, someone said in an earlier post that they couldn't see where allowing mixed marriage would damage regular marriages (from a law point of view) However, history has proven time and time again that no person, no country has ever lost its freedom overnight. Ask anyone who has lived in freedom and then had all rights lost to communism. They will tell you that they lost their freedoms and rights to choose one piece at a time, at first it was so subtle that they didn't really notice and weren't concerned. Once they realized just how fragile and perilous their situations were it was too late. We have lost in this country the right to pray, the right to assemble as Christians at school, we aren't allowed to draw pictures of religious people, we are being pushed to drop Merry Christmas, someone wants to take God out of the constitution--the very document that founded this country, etc. But at the same time we are forced to embrace every other religious holiday, draw pictures of witches etc, learn about other religans in class without the ability to share our beliefs.

We are even allowing ourselves to be overrun by illegal immagrants, who refuse to learn our language and we are actual contemplating changing our language for others???

We are selling our roads and highways to foreign governments and companies to ease our financial burdens and had contemplating selling one of the largest sea ports to a foreign country--when are we going to wake up?!

We are on a slippery slope--and it involves a whole lot of issues--not just one or two--they are all connected. We all need to stop pointing fingers at each other, love each other and keep our eyes and hearts heavenward.

Thank you for listening, I guess I will get off the soapbox now....
starting over

How we handle change determines our Destiny. P. Trapp