before Lupus made it impossible for me to make it through the day... i was a middle school math teacher and let me tell you... I was SCARED!!!
the administration would send kids back to my class after they were violent because he didn't want to deal with their parents. I had one kid pierce his eyebrow with a safety pin during my math lesson... so pain meant nothing to him. His father was in prison... his older brother held up a store and he is headed down the same path. We had a bomb scare the day before Columbine and I got more scared each day. When people ask me if i miss teaching.... i tell them "no"
Kids are out of control. We don't have them in churches. most families are single parent or both parents have to work around the clock to make ends meet and kids are raised by the sqruare object in the living know the one...
TV, Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox....did i miss any?
and soon... these kids will be running this country and i will be depending on them as i get weaker and need more benefits on my social security. I am trying hard to keep walking and keep my wits... cuz i see the world heading in a really bad direction...all i have to do is watch the news for a few minutes and it brings more of the same.
depressing isn't it?
if i didn't have my crocheting and my friends and my hobbies....i'd lose it.