Thanks Karen,

I've been so upset I've had some emotional problems with everything going on. I do have a reprieve for a few days since part-time freelance job ha been postponed till next week, so that will help.

My poor little granddaughter, 4 years old, kept saying to her Mommy, "I'm sorry I got my hair cut, Mommy I'm sorry." Poor little girl blamed herself for something her stupid "sperm donor" did. She hasn't called him Daddy since she's been home, it's (Rodger). Rodger did this, Rodger did that. He's being transferred to Maine, (we're in Illinois) in January. That changes visitation agreements and our daughter is going to court at that time to get visitation taken care of. That way she won't have to do it twice, once for Indiana and once for Maine.

Six more weekend visits. He'd better be on his best behavior, my husband, who's the most laid back man on this earth wants to beat him to a pulp!

Thanks for all your love and support, it's so much appreciated.

Love you all, (JJ thanks for the PM's)
