Sherri-I'm so sorry that you had so much to bear all in one day and that you probably felt like you were bearing it all alone. Where's a copy of "Footprints" when you need it!

As a child of divorce from a long time ago, please try to make sure the kids are not able to go back to visit with your ex-son-in-law. The person my mom was married to did really terrible things like this, too, and even took his girlfriend along to father-son outings with my brother--church outings, I might add! Thankfully, my mom remarried someone loving and wonderful to raise us, but the long-term effects are what can do the most harm. Cutting their beautiful hair...what's next? Those poor children. Did it just for spite, no less. I'm terribly sorry. I hope it all works out and I hope that you find a new doctor or work things out with your current doctor. Wouldn't my doctor love it if I only had a $25.00 bill! haha Best to you.