This is not my therapist, this is my medical Dr. Apparently in 2003 during an insurance switch in my husbands company, I thought a bill had been taken care of and it wasn't. It was probably less than $25 and it was turned over to collections. When I found out I paid it immediately and he has still been seeing me all this time. He's the one who enabled me to find Genille my therapist and he finally got my meds regulated, now I can't get them renewed. I tried yesterday. I have enough to last for about three weeks.

My therapist recommends I write a letter personally to my Dr and explain the situation. He may not even know what happened and I plan on doing that, but in the meantime, I have to start looking for a new Dr. I don't know what their reaction will be when I tell them I was kicked out of one practice because of a bill that went to collections!!

Sorry, I spouted off last night, but had to vent and was so extremely upset at all that happened this past week.

Thanks for being so loving and understanding. I love you all.