
Big Mama here. Well ladies, I can only say that I thought I knew love. Honey...you don't know pure love till you hold your first grandchild. I don't think I will ever be off this cloud.

Lea (pronounced Leah) is beautiful!!!! Course all new babies either look like China-men when first born, or a Conehead from Saturday Night Live. But give them a few hours and viola! She has jet black hair, a tiny yellow bow in her hair (how cute is that?) and of course loves her Big Mama (that's me).

She weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and has a beautiful little cry when she wants to eat. Or you know...bet she is just wanting me now that I think about it...hm...maybe I should leave and go back over to the hospital. I bet she's wanting her Mammaw...

Thanks for all of the kind wishes and blessings girls. My priceless moment came when my son held her for the first time. The sight of him smiling, full of joy, looking down at his daughter so full of love for her...well, that my friends was worth all the gold on earth. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

JJ - A.K.A. Big Mama