Thanks everybody - I appreciate the help, advice and prayers. Unfortunately, because my husband's union really put the screws to us regarding the health insurance we thought would be ours after his retirement(they doubled the cost to $1200 a month), I find myself in the position of having to work for a company that offers group health insurance until I turn 65 and am eligible for Medicare (a little more than 5 years from now). You have all been so supportive. I also want to say that my whole perspective on the loss of my grandson has changed since the New Orleans catastrophe. When I think of those people and all they've lost, including family members, homes, cars, jobs, ways of life, I realize that we have so very much to be thankful for. I read all of the posts under current events regarding Katrina, and I was so glad to read that Dee and all of our sisters made it through alive. God bless you all.