I know I this is controversail, but please be very careful about relying too strongly on anti depressants. The long term effects of these drugs is only now being studied and previously known facts are only now being revealed.
Doctors and pharmaceutical companies market anti depressants for "Chemical imbalance," but there is no scientific evidence that such an imbalance actually exists. If there was an imbalance, it should show up in the chemistry of the blood or spinal fluid and it doesn't.
If there was a chemical imbalance, the imbalance should be treated, not the brain. Instead anti depressants treat the brain by altering the natural chemicals that cause it to react normally to negative life incidents.
Anti depressants are "treatments," but not "cures." They alter the brain's reaction to sadness. And by doing that they can exaccerbate an already precarious situation.
I respect anyone's choice to take any legal drug they choose, but I hope everyone will become an informed consumer before depending on medication for depression.
Long term use of anti depressants can actually exaccerbate depressive reactions. In the same way that pain medications such as tylenol that alters the brain's reaction to pain has recently been proven to lower the pain threshold, anti depressants lower the brain's sadness threshold.
The brain is smart. It protects you by forcing you to react to pain, both physical and psychological, by "feeling" it. If that feeling is depressed by chemically altering the brain, it will react more severely the next time. Eventually even a slight sadness can cause the brain to over react in an effort to get your attention to a potential threat and you may feel, not just sad, but terribly, possibly even suicidally sad.
If you change the dose, the type of drug, or stop taking anti depressants without very careful supervision, any type of sadness can easily induce suicidal thoughts.
Short term use of anti depressants can be a life saver, but proceed with caution and be aware that long term use can be debilitating.
Because I care about you and I care those you love, I beg you not to rely entirely on drugs to treat depression. The truth about these drugs is still unknown. Here's a website. Much is about children, but there is evidence of ill effects in adults as well.