My daughter is a beautiful young woman. She's 34. She's going downhill mentally. She's on antidepressants but I'm watching her ebb away. Depressed, panic attacks, unable to sleep in her bed and goes to the spare room. Won't go out to make friends. She lives with me since my husband took a job out of state and we're very close. She took care of the house and animals during my last trip and when I came home she started crying and asked me to not leave again. While I was gone was when she stopped sleeping in her room. Says she just can't sleep there.

I have had her in counseling and she was better for a while but it seems she isn't happy in her body. Like she wants to die. I worry about suicide. I should add that she was molested by a family member when she was young but has blocked most of it out.

I don't know what to do. Help.