Thank you everybody! I am so thrilled. I really can't believe I won.
You will have to wait until Dotsie posts it to read my story, but I'd like to tell you another tale about a true friend healing a friend.
The title would have to be,
This is actually the second time that this wonderful woman has given me encouragement in my writing. She doesn't know it but she had the honor of reading my very first published piece. It was an essay in the NAWW newsletter. She emailed me to tell me she enjoyed reading it and then invited me to send her a story for, Boomer Women. You can imagine how important I felt at that moment. I was floating on cloud 9! And now this! I was seriously starting to think that I have been kidding myself about ever being a successful writer and here comes Dotsie with the shot in the arm that I needed, right when I needed it!
Also, her invitation to check out the forums came at a time when I was feeling very lonely. I've recently moved 600 miles away from all friends and family. I haven't taken a job here yet as I wanted to give myself some time to work on my writing. Dotsie's, Boomer Women Speak, has given me the opportunity to meet all of you wonderful people. With so many new friends, I'll never be lonely again!
Dotsie, I can never thank you enough!