Hi Everyone!
It's so nice to get on here find so much support! I am feeling better already, and I have to tell you all something interesting:
I met the friend of a friend a couple of days ago and we got to talking and her husband is JUST LIKE my ex - he has the exact same M.O., does the very same hurtful, sneaky things, and she is going through the exact same thing I went through when I was with him! I could completely understand how she feels, and the important thing is IT REMINDED ME OF WHAT IT'S REALLY LIKE TO BE WITH THE EX!!! I talked to this woman for hours, seems like, and after I got off the phone with her I called my mom and told her that an angel must be standing on my shoulder, that talking to that woman brought everything back: the lies, the suspicions, the control, the financial abuse, and - most of all - the emotional abuse. Whew! What was I thinking??
To Searcher: Hope you did buy yourself some flowers. You are such a caring, insightful person and you are so wise. I appreciate your honesty so much!
To Daisygirl: Thank you for being tough on me. I am counting on you during the weak moments!
To Dreamer: NEVER blame yourself. Controlling men have a way of making us feel responsible for their happiness, don't they? He still managed to control you even after you got out, and that's a shame. He was an unhappy person and you couldn't save him. It's not your fault. But I do understand how you feel. My ex would come crying after he'd done some God-Awful thing and I'd had to leave him, and I actually felt sorry for him - I couldn't stand to see him cry. I still can't. But I don't remember MY tears moving him once. I was not allowed to feel emotional or angry about anything; he would tell me he didn't love me or I was crazy or he was sick of me. But I don't remember him ever holding me and saying he was sorry. Not until I'd had to leave. I hope you will someday find peace with what happened to you.
To Dianne: I'm maintaining radio silence, and I love that expression!
You are right; the last thing I need to do is call him and have it out with him and let him know what my plans are. It's kind of fun to think about what he will be imagining when he isn't in contact with me anymore! Ha!
To Not Much, You: I'm so sorry about your mom. I can understand how she feels, in a way. I have been bitter, too. But it's really sad that she hasn't been able to move past this in so many years. She deserves so much more than that. And yes, Thing will most certainly get what she deserves - probably sooner than she ever imagined.
Okay, everybody, one more question, though: